Tamanna Grey Consignment Software INR 12,000/-

Tamanna Grey Consignment Software <b>INR 12,000/- </b>


Grey Consignment refers to Purchasing Of Grey Material From Party to Party.

Software Features

1) Purchase:- The action of buying something is Purchase. 
Some important features under Purchase are:
a) Grey Purchase:-The Procedure is same as per Trading, but the only difference is Sell and Purchasing is done by "L.R No.".
b)Finished Purchase:Finished goods are goods that have completed the manufacturing process but have not yet been sold or distributed to the end user.
c)General Purchase:In General Purchase, all the Profit and Loss Expense Invoice Entries can be done.

2) Mill:- A Factory Fitted with Machinery for a Particular Manufacturing. 
In these, Grey is Send to Mill for Manufacturing the product. After the manufacturing process, received entry can be done in Challan Received From Mill (for maintaining the stock) and GP Received From Mill(For GST Invoice).

3) Item Finalization:- In these, Item is Finalized after grey received from mill via Cutting Report.

4) Job:- After the Process of Item Finalization, Goods are sent to Job Work. As same Received Entry is done to maintain the stock report. 

5) Sale:- Its A Final Step To Sell Your Product. Product Selling changes from user to user. Some User May go through all the step to sell the product or some user may sell directly from finished or grey product.

6) Bank & Cash Transaction:-  Here all the Bank And Cash Related Transaction Entries can be done.

7) Journal Voucher:-  It is prepared for the transactions which does not relate to sales, purchase, cash, bank, material return. It maintains:
-Invoices for all non-trading items.
-Bills or Debit Notes or Credit Notes for services availed or provided.
-The Debit Notes and the Credit Notes in respect of material returns and other adjustments.

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